Bluenergy Solar Carport System and Electric-Vehicle "Everblue"

Bluenergy Perforated Steel Modules are the energy supplier for the Carport.
Bluenergy has developed a solar Carport, equipped with Bluenergy Perforated Steel modules. In co-operation with a South German electric vehicle manufacturer, Bluenergy can offer a complete system. The Carport loads during the day as a battery-station, which charges the solar mobile over night. Additionally the vehicles have solar modules on the roof, which extends the range of the vehicle to approx. 120 km.
With comparatively short distances combined with the need of tourists for mobility islands are predestined for the Bluenergy solar mobile, particularly at holiday resorts and hotels.The authorities on the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean have recognized the commercial value of an intact nature. Environmental regulations are strict, and include high taxation of Diesel or gasoline-driven vehicles. The declaration of intent of the resident government not to allow any vehicles with combustion engines in the foreseeable future, opens an enormous sales market for the Bluenergy "Everblue" vehicle mobile and the pertinent Carport.
Bluenergy already created a subsidiary on site.
Bluenergy Solar Boat

Noiseless, pollution free alternative, which can also be used, where fuel driven boats may not drive for reasons of environmental protection.

Thanks to the innovative Bluenergy technologies like the Stainless Perforated Substrates or the Flexible Solar Modules, is it now possi-ble to operate ships solely with solar energy.The flexible handling together with the extremely weatherproof Fluorine Polymer Encapsulation makes the Bluenergy products particularly suitable for the strong strains of a ship through wind, weather and salt.
Blueprints are available from glass bottom ships as a tourist attrac-tion to the solar yacht.
The Transrapid train

The electrification of the Transrapid train with solar energy was a task, which represented a large challenge.
Conventional photovoltaic modules with a glass body could not withstand the enormous over and under pressure produced by the over 400 km/h trains. For this and other applications, Bluenergy has developed a completely new module, whose carrier is made from a perforated, stainless high-grade steel plate (V2A sheet metal) -practically indestructible, and once again - unique in the world.The developed procedure can be applied to many other materials i.e. plastics.